Technical Evaluation of Electronic Components and Microprocessors for Using in Teaching-Learning of Exact Sciences
Abstract: Educational Robotics or Robotics in Education are terms commonly used to describe the use of robotics as an instrument to support teaching-learning, helping teachers to introduce concepts considered complex since the beginning of student training, such as electronics, computer programming, applied mechanics, and basic robotic building. In addition to offering an attractive learning space that stimulates students’ interest and curiosity, Educational Robotics is a unique tool that offers practical and fun activities. It stands on the fact that manipulating artifacts is key to building knowledge. Although studies show how beneficial the use of Educational Robotics is on improving education in schools and universities, there are still some reasons why it is not so widely used in teaching, such as the high cost of the available robotic kits. In this sense, this work carried out an analysis of basic electronics components to construct robotic educational kits. We evaluated purchase prices and availability in our region, measured energy consumption, and checked the programmability of the components. We devised a specification that could serve as the basis for the construction of low-cost robotic educational kits.
Keywords: Educational Robotics; Low-Cost; Exact Sciences.
Complete monograph. Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: Although the student carefully wrote the original abstract, and it was revised and improved, English is not him or the advisor' mother language. The original work is written in Portuguese.
Citation: Wandaymo Gomes de Sousa. Avaliação Técnica de Componentes Eletrônicos e Microprocessadores para uso no Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem de Ciências Exatas. Monograph. Bacharelado em Ciências da Computação. Universidade Federal de Goiás, Regional Jataí. Jataí, GO, Brasil. 2018. 55p.
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